VoIP Phone
Brand’s Apollo VoIP integrated software package helps mobile users increase their productivity and reduce telecommunication costs. It has overcome the drawbacks of using a softphone for voice services whilst travelling to deliver a high quality and reliable service.
The Apollo VoIP software offers a seamless and secure VoIP connection by allowing the mobile user to place all calls through the mobile device connecting with the recipient via the internet. The main benefit of mobile VoIP is the combination of flexibility and cost savings on domestic and international calls.
The VoIP software integrates as an office extension, so displaying the company caller ID on outbound calls and giving you extended features such as extension to extension dialing. It also has multi party call facilities so conferencing can be activated whilst travelling. Another useful tool is the video calling functionality which enables face to face communications at a touch of a button.
Using Brand’s Apollo VoIP ensures that Quality of Service (QoS) is maintained across wired and wireless networks such as 3G and WiFi, to ensure that delay-sensitive VoIP receives consistent, high priority end-to-end communication to provide optimal call quality.
Furthermore, as mobile users move through the enterprise, authentication hand-offs occurs flawlessly so latency and jitter are minimized and voice calls are maintained seamlessly.
Unique to Brand’s VoIP software is the management control. It allows the administrator to have complete control of the management of the system. Using Radius, all the settings can be controlled centrally which gives greater security across the network.